The European Colloid & Interface Society (ECIS) invites you to attend the 19th European Student Colloid (ESC) Conference, to be held in Bordeaux, France, from 24 to 27 June 2024.
The Bordeaux scientific community welcomes master students, PhD students and post docs working in colloids and interface science. The interdisciplinary nature of colloid science means that this conference will be of benefit to those working in materials science, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and many areas of physical-chemistry.
During the ESC conference, young researchers can network and present their work in a relaxed and welcoming environment with scientific discussions invigorated by seven experienced teachers during plenary sessions. Recent events attract around 100 attendees from more than a dozen countries. Many students from the University of Bordeaux and members of the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) have been involved to organize this meeting to maximize fun and learning for our visitors during the 19th ESC in Bordeaux!

Bordeaux, the host city
Bordeaux offers an appealing and culturally diverse atmosphere, shaped by numerous influences as a port city situated on the Garonne river. With its UNESCO-listed architectural treasures, proximity to Europe’s largest dune (Dune du Pilat) and a lifestyle revolving around fine food and wine, this destination caters to all tastes.
The regional capital of south-west France, Bordeaux, is only a two-hour ride on the TGV high-speed train from Paris. It is located 45 minutes from the sea, two hours from Spain and three hours from the picturesque Pyrenees. The quality of life in Bordeaux is superb, and it’s famous for numerous tourist attractions.
Bordeaux is renowned as the world capital of wine, giving its name to France’s oldest and most prestigious wine-growing area. The wine festival takes place at the end of the conference; a perfect opportunity for those who wish to extend their stay over the weekend after the ESC!
The streets behind the magnificent 18th-century buildings along the quays reflect the city’s long history. The old port warehouses have been turned into trendy museums and breweries, which visitors can travel between on foot, bicycle or rollerblades along the riverbank footpaths. From Saint Michel to the Chartrons, from Saint Seurin to Saint Pierre, the old and the new blend in perfect harmony.
ESCconf conference venue :
ENSMAC, 16 Avenue Pey Berland, 33600 Pessac.

Bordeaux, the host city
Bordeaux offers an appealing and culturally diverse atmosphere, shaped by numerous influences as a port city situated on the Garonne river. With its UNESCO-listed architectural treasures, proximity to Europe’s largest dune (Dune du Pilat) and a lifestyle revolving around fine food and wine, this destination caters to all tastes.
The regional capital of south-west France, Bordeaux, is only a two-hour ride on the TGV high-speed train from Paris. It is located 45 minutes from the sea, two hours from Spain and three hours from the picturesque Pyrenees. The quality of life in Bordeaux is superb, and it’s famous for numerous tourist attractions.
Bordeaux is renowned as the world capital of wine, giving its name to France’s oldest and most prestigious wine-growing area. The wine festival takes place at the end of the conference; a perfect opportunity for those who wish to extend their stay over the weekend after the ESC!
The streets behind the magnificent 18th-century buildings along the quays reflect the city’s long history. The old port warehouses have been turned into trendy museums and breweries, which visitors can travel between on foot, bicycle or rollerblades along the riverbank footpaths. From Saint Michel to the Chartrons, from Saint Seurin to Saint Pierre, the old and the new blend in perfect harmony.
ESCconf conference venue :
ENSMAC, 16 Avenue Pey Berland, 33600 Pessac.
Topics Covered








Abstract Submission
March 22, 2024
Extended deadline submission
March 29, 2024
Notification of Acceptance
April 12, 2024
Early Registration and Payment
April 30, 2024
June 24 – 27, 2024
Final programme

Registration Fees
Registration packages
Before April 30
After April 30
400 €*
450 €*
+ Room in student residence for PhD Students and Masters
400 €
+ 150 €
= 550 €*
+ Room in student residence for Postdocs
400 €
+ 210 €
= 610 €*
Before April 30
400 €*
Registration + Room in student residence for PhD Students and Masters:
400 € + 150 € = 550 €*
Registration + Room in student residence for Postdocs:
400 € + 210 € = 610 €*
Before April 30
450 €*
Please kindly note that the registration process can be finalized only after having received the payment.
The flat registration fee includes:
Admission to the Conference
Coffee and refreshments
Conference Dinner
*VAT is included in the fees according to French VAT Law
Invited teachers
Seven internationnally renowned scientist will present in person. Their presentations will cover the main areas of colloid and interface science touching some of the current challenges of the field. They will present a unique combination of a university lecture and a plenary talk in 50 minutes, followed by a 10 minutes long Q&A section.
Local organizing committee
Glenna L. Drisko / Etienne Ducrot
Guillaume Fleury / Emilie Pouget
Serge Ravaine
Megan Parker
Matheus de Souza Lima Mendes
ESCconf conference venue :
ENSMAC, 16 Avenue Pey Berland, 33600 Pessac.
Information for presenters
For poster presenters: the maximum sizes of your posters are 95 cm (width) × 145 cm (length), that is, portrait (vertical, ‘standing’) orientation. We cannot fix posters in landscape (horizontal, ‘lying’) orientation! We provide the materials to fix your poster so you do not need to bring any such items with you.
For oral presenters: the duration of your contribution will be 20 minutes: ca. 15 minutes talk + 5 minutes of Q&A. Important note: we highly recommend that you bring your presentation and upload it to the computer in the lecture room, instead of using your own PC. We cannot guarantee an easy connection of your device with the projectors and that may result in unnecessary delays in the programme. In case you need to present from your PC, please let us know upon registration to test your presentation in advance.”
For submission send your abstract to escconf2024@crpp.cnrs.fr
Not included in the flat registration fee.
Private rooms on campus in student residences
A limited number of rooms have been pre-booked on campus in the a student residence and can be an easy and economical option for your stay during the conference. They can be rented on a first-come, first-served basis at a pre-negotiated price from Sunday 23 June to Thursday 27 June as an option during registration (before 30 April only). The rooms are very close to the conference hall, less than a 5 minute walk. Each single occupancy room is fully furnished (including bed linens) and contains a private bathroom. You will be able to heat up a meal in a communal kitchen, or in an individual kitchen if one is available. Free internet access in the building and final cleaning are included. For a 4-day stay, the total price is 150 € per room for PhD students and Masters, and 210 € for postdocs (all taxes included) to be selected as an option during the registration stage.
Revolugo Platform
If you prefer to book an hotel, you can use the platform bellow.
Travelling Documents
Bordeaux is easily accessible to most European cities, either by train (SNCF, Bordeaux Saint Jean train station) or by plane (Bordeaux Merignac Airport). The documentation required varies, depending on your nationality. A valid passport is required for a stay of up to 90 days except citizens of European Union countries, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway who may enter France with their national identity card. Some non-EU third country nationals require a visa. Further detailed information can be obtained from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
From Bordeaux Merignac Airport to the University of Bordeaux
Public transport (Tram line A) offers a link between Bordeaux Airport and downtown Bordeaux, after which participants should transfer to Tram line B until reaching Droyen Brus tram stop.
From SNCF Saint-Jean train station to the University of Bordeaux
For information, prices and reservations, please visit www.sncf-connect.com/en-en/
From the train station, visitors can take the bus line 1 to Place Victoire, then transfer to Tram line B. The tram stops at Droyen Brus, located on the University campus.
Bordeaux is at 5.5 hours from Paris (highway A10), 2 hours from Toulouse and 2 hours from the Spanish borders.
ESC2024 Secretariat
Agustín Mihi
Agustín’s research focuses on the creation of nanophotonic structures using a scalable nanofabrication technique called soft nanoimprinting lithography. This method involves the use of elastomeric pre-patterned stamps to nanostructure a wide range of materials, including colloids, biopolymers, and semiconductors. The resulting patterned structures can cover areas as large as 1 cm² and showcase photonic properties such as lasing, circular dichroism, and enhanced light absorption or emission.
Dr. Mihi earned his Ph.D. in physics in 2008 from the Institute of Materials Science of Seville (Spain). He was awarded a Beckman postdoctoral fellowship in 2008 at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) after which he joined the Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO with a Marie Curie COFUND fellowship in 2011. Since 2015, he is part of the Institute of Materials Science of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) leading a research group dedicated to the creation of large-area nanophotonic architectures to improve the performance of optoelectronic devices. Agustín leads several Spanish national projects and also, he has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant, an ERC proof of concept and participates in two EIC Pathfinder actions.
Marleen Kamperman
Marleen Kamperman heads the Polymer Science group within the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials at the University of Groningen. Her group focuses on the bioinspired design of polymeric materials. She is particularly interested in mimicking spider silk processing, using microfluidics to understand the design rules and using novel 3D printing techniques to produce the bioinspired silk.
Kamperman received her PhD in Materials Science & Engineering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, where she worked in the group of Prof. dr. Wiesner. From 2008 to 2010, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Functional Surfaces group of Prof. dr. Arzt at INM – Leibniz Institute for New Materials in Saarbrücken, Germany. She started her group ‘Bioinspired Functional Polymers’ as Assistant Professor at Wageningen University in the Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter department in September 2010. In 2018 she was appointed Full Professor in Polymer Science at the University of Groningen.
Frank Smallenburg
Frank Smallenburg is a computational statistical physicist, whose research focuses on many-body systems in soft matter. He received his PhD in 2012 at Utrecht University (Netherlands), with a thesis on self-assembly in colloidal systems. After that, he worked as a post-doc at La Sapienza University (Rome, Italy) and at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Germany). Since 2017, he is a CNRS researcher at the Laboratoire de Physique des Solides in Orsay. His current research lines include the structure and dynamics of glassy fluids, the self-assembly of a variety of colloidal systems, and crystal nucleation.
Pawel Majewski
Pawel Majewski is a professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw, Poland. He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Yale University in 2013 for studies of anisotropic charge transport in magnetically-ordered soft materials under the guidance of Prof. Chinedum Osuji. In the same year, he joined Prof. Oleg Gang’s group at Brookhaven National Laboratory where he worked as a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Dr. Kevin Yager investigating laser-induced self-assembly of BCP thin films using synchrotron X-ray scattering methods. Since 2016 he has been leading an experimental group that focuses on structure and functional properties of soft materials at the University of Warsaw. His research interests include studies of photothermally directed self-assembly of block copolymers and liquid crystals, development of rapid methods for BCP patterning, and soft-material templated synthesis of functional nanostructured materials
Jan Vermant
His research at the ETH Zürch focuses on the rheology and applications of complex fluid-fluid interfaces, colloidal suspensions and the development of novel experimental methods and soft matter applications in materials science.
Debora Berti
Debora is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, where she leads the BioSoftMatter group. Debora’s work focuses on Soft Matter systems, from design to applications in several areas, mainly in biologically relevant fields. Throughout her career, Debora has pioneered the application of radiation scattering methods, such as small angle scattering and reflectivity, to characterize the structural details of self-assemblies with biological relevance. Her research topics include hybrid nano and micro particle/lipid assemblies for responsive drug delivery, interaction of nanostructured assemblies with model membranes, design and application of nanostructured fluids
Debora Berti has a well-established track record of her work, with more than 120 authored or co-authored research papers and several chapters contributed in specialized books. She is co-Editor of the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (Elsevier), member of the Ownership Board of the journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, (Royal Society of Chemistry), member of the Review Panel of the Partnership for Soft Condensed Matter(PSCM, ILL-ESRF). She was the President of the European Colloid and Interface Society (2013-‐2015), member of the Soft Matter group of the scientific panel of the HZB-‐Berlin and member of the Elettra Proposal Review Panel for the SAXS beamline.
Katherine Elvira
Katherine is the Canada Research Chair in Microfluidics for Drug Discovery and Health Care, a Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar in partnership with the Canadians for Leading Edge Alzheimer Research (CLEAR) Foundation, and an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Victoria, Canada. Her group develops microfluidic (lab-on-a-chip) technologies to build bespoke artificial cells and tissues for drug discovery and development applications.